Power Transformer

Power transformers are designed to be used for step-up and step down the application in the transmission network of higher voltages like 400 kV, 220 kV, 110 kV, 66 kV, 33kV, etc.

The designing make the transformers 100% efficient in transmitting heavy load and high voltage i.e., higher than 33 KV. If compared to the size of the distribution transformers, these transformers are bigger and are used in transmission substation, generating station and application areas requiring high insulation level.

We produce power electrical transformers of capacity up to 50 MVA, 3 Phase, up to 132 KV Class, ONAN/ONAF/OFAF/OFWF Cooling. Our transformers are popular for its trouble-free long performance, reliability and very competitive prices.

Features Of Power Transformer

  • Designed for 25 years of trouble-free performance.
  • Design conforms to IS 2026, IEC 60076, ANSI and other relevant standards.
  • Low power loss and low noise.
  • Designed to withstand electrical impulses and thermal and dynamic stresses.
  • Optimum utilization of active materials for compactness.
  • Modern manufacturing techniques ensure cost effectiveness and reliability.


Onload Transformers are installed where voltage fluctuations from h.v side are continuous. So onload transformer changes tap using AVR without any power-cut and give constant output voltage. Thus over-all power consumption of industry gets optimized hence results in power savings.
  • 3 phase, 50 Hz in voltages of 11kV, 22kV, 33kV, 66 kV & 110 kV
  • Off-circuit tap changer to provide ± 5 %,± 7.5% & +5% to -10% taps insteps of 2.5%
  • Class A, uniform/non-uniform insulated
  • Vector group Dyn 11, YNd 11, YNyn 0
  • Continuous duty, double copper wound
  • Painting as per IS/IEC standards
  • Both HV & LV side outdoor bushings or cable boxes
  • Cooling radiators/fans.
  • Cooler control unit.
  • 3 phase, 50 Hz in voltages of 11kV, 22kV, 33kV, 66 kV & 110 kV
  • Off-circuit tap changer to provide ± 5 %,± 7.5% & +5% to -10% taps insteps of 2.5%
  • Class A, uniform/non-uniform insulated
  • Vector group Dyn 11, YNd 11, YNyn 0
  • Continuous duty, double copper wound
  • Painting as per IS/IEC standards
  • Both HV & LV side outdoor bushings or cable boxes
  • Cooling radiators/fans.
  • Cooler control unit.

Optional Accessories

  • Winding temperature indicator and oil temperature indicator with remote indication.
  • RTDs for winding temperature measurement.
  • Oil preservation system through air cell/thermosphyon filter.
  • Neutral earthing bar with epoxy supports.

Maximum Total Losses Upto 11 kV Class Transformers As Per BIS-1180

Sr. No. KVA Impedance % Maximum Total Loss (W) @ 75˚ Celsius
50% 100% 50% 100% 50% 100%
1 250 4.5 1050 3150 980 2930 920 2700
2 315 4.5 1100 3275 1025 3100 955 2750
3 400 4.5 1300 3875 1225 3450 1150 3330
4 500 4.5 1600 4750 1510 4300 1430 4100
5 630 4.5 2000 5855 1860 5300 1745 4850
6 800 5.0 2459 7300 2287 6402 2147 5837
7 1000 5.0 3000 9000 2790 7700 2620 7000
8 1250 5.0 3600 10750 3300 9200 3220 8400
9 1600 6.25 4500 13500 4200 11800 3970 11300
10 2000 6.25 5400 17000 5050 15000 4790 14100
11 2500 6.25 6500 20000 6150 18500 5900 17500